Stewardship Through Innovation in the Global Marketplace

World Map

1. Canada: Will Jernigan traveled to Quebec with Steve Shoaf, from the City of Asheville (NC, USA) to participate in a Province-wide training event hosted by the Quebec Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land Occupancy. Will and Steve were invited to present best-practices for operation, maintenance and management of water metering systems that are being employed in the United States. Many water utilities in Quebec have only partial metering of their water customer population. The Province of Quebec is embarking on a comprehensive water conservation initiative, and addressing reliable accounting of consumption and water loss is a major challenge to solve, as this initiative moves forward. While water scarcity is not a poignant issue in this part of the world, Quebec has recognized that a sustainable future requires stewardship of finite resources.  Stay tuned on this very exciting initiative!

2. Vienna, Austria: As experts in Water Loss Control, both Steve Cavanaugh and Will Jernigan have been invited to present at the IWA Water Loss Specialty Conference in Vienna in April 2014. Steve will be co-presenting with Dr. Mihai Dorus on the “Cross Border Cooperation – An International Initiative for Water Stewardship.” This presentation will cover the topic of widespread implementation of best-practices for water efficiency in drinking water systems in the Dniester and Danube Deltas. Will Jernigan will be presenting an exploration of the notion that we now approach a tipping point in the U.S. for the management and regulation of water losses for our distribution systems, examining the implementation of water loss regulations in those early adopting states, and taking a look at which states may be on the cusp of regulatory or policy reform towards adoption of AWWA best practices for Water Loss Control.

3. United States: Cavanaugh is renown for training others in Water Resource Management throughout the United States and recently we had an award-winning Statewide training program in the State of Georgia which simultaneously trained 100 small water utilities over the course of 10 months to enable them to do their own water audits. We have currently established water efficiency guidelines in 17 States and have become a National leader in promoting water efficiency practices.

4. Paris, France: Steve Cavanaugh, Marvin Cavanaugh and Will Jernigan traveled to Paris to attend and present at the International Water Association’s Efficient 2013 Conference. Marvin Cavanaugh updated the audience on Cavanaugh’s role in a Waste to Energy project that is generating REC’s while Steve Cavanaugh presented the Statewide Training Model developed by Cavanaugh for the State of Georgia. Will Jernigan engaged the audience with “Water you Missing?  Using Water Audits to Understand Water Loss.”

5. Krakow, Poland: Cavanaugh presented leak detection technology to two key areas in Poland in early 2000. This technology was advanced through informational exchange by the Environmental Partnership in Poland.  Additionally, in March of 2001 it is anticipate that follow-ups and offers will be delivered appropriately to those parties who are interested in acquiring the leak detection technology.

6. Budapest, Hungary: In conjunction with Trade Development Agency funding, Cavanaugh and partners conducted a desk study for landfill gas feasibility. This feasibility study evaluated the potential for implementation of the HSAD facility to operate as a viable means of treatment of the municipal solid waste for the municipality of Ajka, Hungary and the surrounding area.

7. Romania/Moldova:  Cavanaugh began global initiative in 1999 with a pilot study of leak detection and leak abatement equipment technologies. The overall objectives of the project were to develop, implement, and evaluate a pilot leak detection and abatement program in a selected area of Iasi county, expand the pilot project to the entire RAJAC Iasi network.  Now, in 2014, Cavanaugh is returning to the Romanian-Moldovan region, implementing the Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) project. The CBC is an initiative that embraces regional and international cooperation to promote IWA best-practices for Water Auditing, Water Loss Control and Non-Revenue Water (NRW) Management for highest stewardship of water and financial resources. Structured as a five (5) year program and implemented simultaneously with five (5) progressive Water Utilities in the Dniester and Danube Delta, Cavanaugh will be working with a team of international experts in Water Loss Control.

For more information on Cavanaugh’s global presence, please contact us.