Water Efficiency

Ways to measure and manage every drop

Are you frustrated that your revenues are not keeping up with expenses, your losses seem to change every month, or you lack confidence in your water loss control program? Cavanaugh can help you embrace and integrate new efficiency practices into your existing team and operations.

Non-Revenue Water:
The cheapest, nearest source of new water and revenue

Water EfficiencyNearly 800 million people across the world lack access to safe drinking water. Globally, the world is water rich, but fresh water supplies are  limited, and in some cases, scarce. Geographical, political, financial, and technical issues can be a barrier to water availability. Water is an essential element of life and is at the heart of our society. It sustains our community, industry and agriculture. Water is the shared element that connects us all. How we manage this precious resource will define the legacy we leave for future generations.

Even in those fortunate parts of the world less concerned with water scarcity, managing the efficient delivery of precious water supplies to the end users has resonant significance. For some water systems, drivers may be primarily financial. Non-Revenue Water (NRW), or the volume of water supplied that does not generate revenue for the utility, represents an opportunity for reduction in operating expense and increase in operating revenue. If a water system faces the need to expand their supply and treatment capacity within the planning horizon, NRW management provides a far cheaper alternative than the capital-intensive plant expansion. For those water systems, NRW management is considered fiscal shoring. They understand the inherent business case for system efficiency, including the complex but proven dependency between water and energy.

For other water utilities, drivers may be primarily socio-political. Inevitable rate increases fuel customer distrust and outrage when the public perceives the utility is simultaneously asking them to use less, pay more and subsidize the water system’s inefficiencies. NRW management provides defensibility and action, and an offset to the severity of the necessary rate increases.

And for some, their driver is simply the recognition that proactive NRW management is the right thing to do – for the water utility, for the community, and for the resources that have been made available to us.

At Cavanaugh we believe that for NRW management to be truly effective and sustained, the right techniques are essential – but these techniques must be reinforced with the appropriate attitudes and behaviors that ensure lasting success. NRW management must be wholly embraced as a business culture.

Our passion is the stewardship of earthly resources – natural, financial and human – through innovative approaches. How can our passion help you achieve yours?